Monday, March 7, 2011

Weathering Begins with Alunimum Coal Porters

I counted all the cars I need to weather on the Geneva Sub and the total comes to 135 cars. This includes counting my double stack cars as 5 or 3 cars depending on how many wells each has. I also have 7 locos to weather. This is quite a bit more than I realized. I started in on the project yesterday with my Kato Bethgon coal porters and a few Fox Valley hoppers. In all I weathered 32 cars. Seems like a lot, but I do more of an overall weathering as opposed to detailed weathering so its not too involved.
I started by removing and cleaning all the wheel sets. I did not originally plan to clean the wheel sets, but figured while I had them off, this would be a perfect time to take care of it. I kept the wheel sets separated as to car type and those with and without resistors. I then took my air brush and very lightly spayed each car Floquil rust aiming from the bottom and making sure to get the trucks. I sprayed heavy enough for the rust color to be seen, but light enough for all lettering to still be fully readable. I then switched color to Floquil earth and again lightly sprayed each car this time aiming from the top down and just a bit from the sides. Again I sprayed heavy enough for the earth color to be seen, but light enough for all lettering to be fully readable. I gave the cars a couple of hours to dry to the touch, replaced the wheel sets, put them all back on the layout and then shot the video below.
I know this isn't the best technique for weathering, but its a great way to give all the cars a realistic weathered look and it greatly enhances the overall realism of the layout. I know my loaded coal train now looks a lot more realistic. At a latter date I can always add weathering detail, but with a large layout to build I know that won't be for a long, long, time.
So, I'm down to about 100 cars and 7 locos left to do. I think this weekend I will try to do all my double stack cars.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All Resistors Installed, on to Weathering

Just finished installing the last of the resistor wheel sets. I did just over 300 in all. Every regular freight car has a resistor. I only did every third car on the two 40 car coal trains since they are permanently coupled together. Now its on to weathering. I have 5 locomotives to weather and close to 100 freight cars to do. I think I am going to hold off on body mounting all the couplers and instead concentrate on filing points on turnouts and body mounting only those cars that exhibit derailment trouble. Once I get all the rolling stock caught up, I will install the BNSF loop and then start ballasting, roads, structures, bridges details, etc.